Open Your Heart

Day 80

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Richmond Hill, Richmond, VA

I gathered with my Centering Prayer Group  last night (Tuesday). It was so good to see these familar faces and to join with them in prayer.  After Centering Prayer, I when to lounge to read and relax.  I had a restful night and was up early on Wednesday morning for worship.  A retired Episcopal pastor led the worship service.   He had five points to his message but it was the last point that I believe God wanted me to hear:  Open up your heart, Vallerie.

You may rremember an earlier blog when I was at the Abbey of Gethsemani and I shared about my conversation with  Fr. Jim.  I confessed that my heart was closed.  He prayed for me, his prayer was answered and a rainbow appeared.

During worship at Richmond Hill, I believe God was remnding me not to allow myself to return to a closed heart but to keep my heart in the good spiritual shape by keeping it open to Christ at all times and in all circumstances.

The second expereince I had during my retreat was eating breakfast with those who were also on retreat from the SARA Center.  They talked openly about their struggles with addiction.  Two of my table mates had been incarcerated.  They spoke about the difficulty of finding a job, any job, when you have a record.  Both have good jobs now because someone gave them a chance.  I listened to their stories with an open heart and open mind.  I learned from their courage and determination.  I am glad I went on retreat.  God really did have something for me.

I count it all joy,

Pastor Vallerie

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